

Mother of the Gods and Earth. Gaia, Gaea or Mother Earth, is one of the Greek primordial deities. She is the embodiment of Earth and can control the weather and the cycles of birth and death.

This ancient Greek goddess is associated with the Earth, fertility, and life cycles. She existed from the beginning of creation, giving birth to the gods and other creatures. In many stories, she is a wise and benevolent figure who cares for her creations and wants them to flourish.

Her worship was widespread in the Ancient Greek world, as evidenced by numerous temples and shrines dedicated to her. She symbolises motherly love and nature's cycle of life and death, with her powers extending far beyond just the physical Earth.

Gaia is an important figure in many mythological stories and continues to be celebrated today in modern cultures worldwide. Her legacy and influence on various cultures are an important reminder of motherhood's power and nature's life cycle. By celebrating her, we honour the importance of respecting and nurturing our environment and fellow human beings.

In many cultures, Gaia is a role model for mothers to follow and admire. Her teachings of love, respect, and protection are fundamental values that all parents should strive to instil in their children. By celebrating Gaia and her powers, we can better understand our planet and the importance of reverence for both nature and motherhood.

Call on Gaia for :

  • Nourishment
  • Abundance
  • Protection
  • Fertility
  • Wisdom
  • To calm storms
  • Healing



  • Honey
  • Olives
  • Honeysuckle
  • Cypress
  • Mint
  • Patchouli
  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Any flowers or fruits

Symbols of Gaia:

  • Planet Earth
  • Goddess
  • Wheel of the Year


  • Planet: Earth
  • Colours: Greens, Brown, Deep Blue, Blood red
  • Crystals: Aventurine Green, any green stones, Agates, Peridot, Obsidian